Summary land border expulsions in front of the ECtHR: ND and NT v Spain

| Beitrag von Hanaa Hakiki

…individual circumstances had been adequately examined (para 61). In Hirsi the Grand Chamber, following this principle, concluded that the facts of the case did not permit to establish the existence…

Sexarbeit und Menschenhandel sind nicht das Gleiche. Wie das Prostitutierten“Schutz“Gesetz sein Ziel verfehlt

| Beitrag von Laura Maria Wolff

…Das ProstG von 2002 wurde diesen Ansprüchen jedoch nicht gerecht. Das Vorgängergesetz war unzulänglich und viele Fragen blieben ungeklärt, die das neue ProstSchG von 2017 auf adressat*innenfreundlichere Art beantworten sollte….

The UN terrorist blacklisting regime persists, despite ongoing criticism of its opaque procedure

| Beitrag von Sophia Schroeder

…the United Nations began increasingly to refrain from using state sanctions. The latter had been applied to Iraq in 1990 with disastrous consequences for the population but with little impact…

The Right of Children to Participate in Medical Decision-Making

| Beitrag von Marion Jabot

…gives rise to triad relationships, where children can struggle to be heard in an adult-dominated setting. Autonomy and participation rights should ensure for the minors’ views to be consulted by…

A UN Convention on Business and Human rights – where do we stand?

| Beitrag von Isabel Daum

…with regard to transnational cases involving corporate human rights violations, it becomes evident how problematic this regulatory gap is. Attempts to address corporate accountability have been made at UN level…